Monday, October 6, 2008

Up Date from the Weekend

Thursday night was a great date with my husband. We had yummy food, and even got to catch a movie. We had time to talk and just be. After the movie we headed to Barnes and Noble to look at magazines (mostly hair magazines for me). Yes, I am looking to find something different again. I just can't seem to find anything. Well, we'll see? I always enjoy these times so much.

Friday, we headed to The Botanical Gardens to Crystal Bridge, which on this day it was free admission. Brian and I have been before, but we thought the kids would like it too. Izze and Ian really enjoyed it. They had waterfalls, plants, flowers, things you would see in the rain-forest I guess. After that we decided to stay in bricktown and grab some dinner. The weather was great so we ate outside, it was perfect. Izze enjoyed the big water fountain, she even got to stick her hand in the water and throw some pennies in. We had a great family day.

Saturday was a busy day with errands, and lots of things to get done. I attended a baby shower for one of my friends. So glad you had a great baby shower. Can't wait to see the little girl or boy to come. You guys will make great parents!

Sunday was a great day too. We have started a new series "Just Ask", it is going to be good. The kids and I attended all four experiences, and had a relaxing afternoon. The weekend was busy, but worth ever bit of it.

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