Friday, August 28, 2009


I had to post this conversation because it cracked me up. Isabelle the last couple of days has started snorting when laughing. Something she has never done before. One day her and Ian were chasing each other, she would laugh and snort, you could tell she was really working on it, that it didn't come natural. Well, today, Brian noticed it too, so we asked her if someone at school snorted like that and she said yes, and the girls name. I then proceeded to ask what the girl looked like, in hopes of remembering the face from the first day of school. Izze said, "she has piggy tails", grabbing her hair up like piggy tails. I then asked what color of hair, and she said, "white", I assume this is blonde. Then I said what else does she look like? She said, "she has arms, legs, and a face". The mind of a 4 year old, too cute. Brian and I looked at each other and laughed, you gotta love this age.


  1. That is too funny! I guess she figured she already told you the girl's hair color and style, so the only thing left was her limbs!

  2. I know, it was pretty plain in her eyes. She looked at me so seriously as if it should be so clear to me as well. It was pretty funny.
