Wednesday, February 13, 2008

LG Trax!!!

Third Day of Valentines Week, and my surprise is a new cell phone. You may be thinking what? If you knew how much I needed this, you would understand. I have had mine for years now. I don't even think they make mine anymore, and I can no longer charge it at home. I have to be in the car to charge it up, which this makes for a dead phone most of the time. You see, my days in the car are not as many as before Ian, with naps and schedules to attend to. You get the picture. A dead phone means that people can't get a hold of me when they need to, or when I go out and need to use it, and it won't work. Can you say frustration! This was so needed. That's the thing with my husband, he notices the small things too. He sees when I need something, or wants my life to be better in every way. Thanks babe for noticing the little things that really do mean just as much as the big things!

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