Isabelle in her first gymnastics class, she is in pink by the teacher, doing some move.....
Isabelle on the balance beam, she is in light pink at the front.
Ok, so I am so far behind on all my blogging, but I will try and get caught up in the next few days to weeks. Haha
I have to blog about today though, because we have had such a busy day. The day started off with Ian's two year check up. He is growing fast. He is just passed the 75% for his weight, which I thought was odd, because he almost weighs as much as Izze. For his height, he is in the 90 to 95%, yeah daddy. Everything seemed to be right on track. No shots today, whoo hoo. Actually no shots until age 5, but Izze will have to go for some when she turns four, that will be a tough one (three shots), she always acts like her leg is broke afterward. Should be interesting. Ian is such a sweet boy, with such a great little personality. I love to watch him interact and talk to people, he surprises me some too. He likes to cuddle, give kiss, and hugs, and play with his sister. He wants to be doing everything that she does. My sweet boy.
Izze's first gymnastics class was today too. Can I just say, she had so much fun. She was really excited, and couldn't wait to get there. She didn't hesitate at all when we got there. She threw her shoes off and joined right in. It was nice to see her get right in there and not be backward or anything. She was so fun to watch. I felt the pride, and satisfaction of being a parent at that time. She was looking at the teacher and trying to do everything that the teacher was doing. After the class, the teacher said she did very well. She said, she listened and followed directions so well, even better than some that they have had in the class for weeks. Do I have to tell you how proud I was of her, well very, very, very proud! Words can't describe I'm afraid! We signed up to finish out the three weeks, and then signed up for the summer class, she loved it. I think they talk and teach positive words while doing the gymnastics because in the car, she said, mommy I like myself. I said, I am so glad you like yourself baby, it is good to like yourself.
Next, we were off to the school to find out if Isabelle got in pre-K for next year, and.................. she did not. She is # 26 on the waiting list. I prayed about it so I know the Lord knows what is best. She is on a couple of other waiting list, but no one seems to be very confident that she will get in because she is so far down. We'll see....... Well we had such a busy, but fun day, I had to share. Oh, we were rained on the entire time, except for the school, but we made it.