Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Safe Now....

Boy did we have a crazy afternoon yesterday. The tornado sirens went off three different times. We lost our electricity, our phones, and my cell phone wouldn't work either. I didn't have a clue of where the tornado was at, if it was going to hit or not. I gathered the kids and a couple of big comforters and huddled in the hallway, along with some books and snacks, (I didn't want them to be too scared, if they didn't have to be). We stayed there for a good portion of the late afternoon, early evening, then we got power again, and I was able to find out what was going on. Thank you Lord for keeping us safe. There was damage just down the street from us, and around other parts of the metro. I am not ready for the spring severe weather, that is for sure, but I do so enjoy the Spring time. After that experience I told Brian we have to get a weather radio, so I will know what is going on.


  1. I tried to call you but my calls weren't going out either. Glad you are all safe! The weather sounds like a good idea:-)

  2. Wow that sounds very scary! So glad you were ok.
    We never lost power thankfully so I was able to stay on top of what was going on. Although we did hide out in the bathroom for a few minutes just in case. Emery was very worried, both Liam and Samara were crying. I'll have to remember books and snacks next time!

  3. Scary to have no clue what is happening outside! So glad you guys are okay. Looks bad on the news.
