Wednesday, November 26, 2008


For all of you blog followers of the Rushes of OKC, normally you hear from Alicia, but today, it's Brian sharing a couple thoughts. Thankful seems like such an inadequate word for how I feel about my wife and family. Alicia is most incredible woman I know. The way she cares for our family is really quite amazing. I learn so much from her about patience, grace, tickle pillow fights, going above and beyond, giving of yourself, and the list goes on. She is Amazing and I am beyond thankful for her in my life. My life is different because of her. My life is better because of her. Alicia, I love you.

Secondly, I am thankful for my kids. Again, it is hard to put into words what it is to be a dad. New emotions. New struggles. New goals. New priorities. Isabelle and Ian truly astound me each day. Each day is filled with new discoveries and with each day I find that I love them even more than I thought was possible. My little chick-a-dee (Izze), I am so thankful for you. Bo (Ian), I am so thankful for you.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Alicia and Brian! I am just getting caught up on your blog and I just wanted to say it is so sweet!
    Alicia, I understand what you mean about the potty training - although I am happy and THANKFUL that Kaeden just mastered it I was sad too, knowing we were leaving a major stage in his life. As far as the playdates go - get in touch with us next time - Kaeden would love to play with Izze! Maybe the guys could take them to play and we could shop! :)
    Have a great day!
