Well, here I am trying to catch up again. This past weekend we had a great time in Ponca. We headed there on Friday, and stayed for the church Halloween festival, which the kids had so much fun at. They got lots of candy, prizes and food. We got to visit family while there, so it was really great. After the festival, we headed to the last Ponca City Wildcats game of the season. We were meeting a friend there, actually he is like Brian's second brother, and the kids call him uncle Justin. The Wildcats were losing when we left after half time. There was some excitement on the field when a rumble begin, couldn't tell you what started it though. Izze was so cute, she would stand up and yell, go Wildcats and clap her hands. She enjoyed watching the cheerleaders, the marching band, and the high steepers, and I think they even had the flag people out there too. Anyways, it brought back some memories for both of us. We realized how much the town has changed since we have been gone. We even stopped in to Taco Stop, a home town favorite, for a Sancho. Brian likes the taco burgers. They have a one of a kind taste, and it is still the same as we remembered it. You sometimes see some people you went to school with there because everyone goes there. Which we did. It was fun taking the kids and having them experience their first football game, and Halloween festival too. The one thing I forgot though was my camera, so I had to use my aunt's, she will send me pictures when she gets the chance. Can you believe it the one thing I should have remembered, and I didn't. I'll just post another one from our mom's group Halloween party. We did have a good time!
One More Step
9 years ago
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