Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Bounce, Bounce, Jump, Jump!

Monday, at our mom's group we meet at Bouncin Craze, which was a first for Izze, Ian and myself. Izze jumped, bounced, went on the slides from the time we got there to the time we had to leave. I really enjoyed this jump place, it had some smaller things for her and Ian to do. Izze and Ian did take a few minutes to rest in the little chairs they had on the floor. Ian enjoyed the balls, but he couldn't throw them at the net yet. Izze ran from one thing to the next. She even made friends with some older girls, which she liked because they could take her on the bigger stuff and slide with her, while I stayed with Ian. Izze had fun playing with all her little friends. We had a great time and will probably check this place out more in the future.

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