Life is very interesting when you are flying solo. Brian was on a week long missions trip to Haiti this past week. It was just about mommy and the kids this week, and what a week it was. We had play-dates, days at the park, dinners with people, and trips to the mall. I don't know if Izze understood completely that daddy was gone on a long trip , but I think she knew something was different, because she woke up one night four times in a row. Then another night I was in Ian's room feeding him about 10:30pm and I heard her scream like she was scared to death. I got up with Ian still attached (for those of you who have breastfeed) and ran out of the room. Izze was standing in the hallway crying, I guess she got up and couldn't find me. I bent down to hold her and comfort her with Ian right in between us. She still was inconsolable. I was able to put Ian down on the boppy in the middle of the hallway while I took Izze back to her room. It took a little bit for her to settle down, then she was back to sleep. Ian was quite content in the middle of the hallway on his boppy. As I picked him up off the floor I had to smile and laugh to myself. I picked him up and continued to feed him and put him to bed, then all was well the rest of the night. A silly thing I do whenever Brian is gone, I always leave the outside porch light on, I guess I think it will keep the bad people away (funny I know). Except for a few night wakens the week went pretty well. We were all glad to see daddy come home. Izze smiled and immediately wanted to play, and Ian just gazed and give him one of those wonderful toothless smiles. We had a good week, but wouldn't want to make it a routine without daddy. Love you babe, glad your home, it's not the same without you around.
One More Step
9 years ago