Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Just because.......

Last night my sweet husband brought me flowers. These were the "just because" flowers, the best kind to get. He is so sweet and thoughtful, I really am blessed to have him as my husband. I love you babe, thank you for the beautiful flowers.

After dinner we walked down to the park in our addition, It was such a great night for it. I sat and watched with so much joy as my kids, and their daddy ran around and chased each other. As I sat there, I thought, could anything be better than this. I was watching my kids have the biggest smiles, laughing so much they would fall on the grass sometimes, all because their daddy was chasing them, then would grab them up, and tickle them. They didn't need toys, or anything else at that time, just their daddy, spending time with them. Oh, the simple things.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

"Apple Gathering"

We had such a fun time at our mom's group on Monday. I had been looking for an apple orchard for the kids to pick apples, but didn't have any luck in the Oklahoma City area. I know apple picking is a great autumn tradition in many areas, and sounded really fun, but...... I guess not in this area. We decided to make our own apple gathering. We decided to have the kids grab for apples out of a bucket of water. We talked about the apples first. Talked about their color, size, and different features of each, then they got to pick the apples out. The kids had so much fun doing this. Everyone wanted to take another turn. Mrs. Gaylee also read a couple of books about apples to end our apple exploring day! Of course we got to eat the apples with our picnic lunch as well. I also got some great recipes using apples that people brought, can't wait to try them out. A big THANK YOU to Gaylee for opening her home to us all. Thank you, we had a lot of fun!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Great Labor Day/Fun Weekend!!

Brian trying to feed the squirrel at the park, it was amazing how close they would come to you. They are probably use to getting food though.

Brian and the kids playing frisbee!

Getting ready to have our lunch at the park!

Ian at the park. He was so cute, he kept looking up at the tall trees in amazement at how tall they were.

Izze picking up sticks and enjoying some juice

Seymour the turtle.

Brian and the kids taking a moment to take a picture with their new friend.

This weekend was such a great weekend. We had lots of fun things to do. Thursday, Brian and I were able to get away for a date, so nice. I love these times. We headed to get our fix of Cheddar's and Marshall's. It was a night well spent. We had a good time eating our favorites, talking, remembering a bright, young man who passed this last week, our prayers will always be with his family. We had a great time together, I always look forward to these times. Friday, we took the kids for lunch, then Izze was off to school. This is a special day, because daddy always picks Izze up from school in his car, and she thinks that is great. He usually has something special for her as well. I love to see this daddy, daughter relationship!! Friday night we rented Bolt for the kids, and we had a date night with them, pizza and a movie, what more could you ask for. The kids thought the movie was good, it kept their attention most of the time. Saturday, we got up early and went for a family breakfast. This is a favorite thing for us to do together. On the way back home, we saw a turtle in the street, so Brian turned around to grab it for the kids. They named him Seymour. He was a rather colorful turtle. I remember catching them as a kid at grandma's house. We would write our names on their shell and then send them on their way. Brian and the kids decided they would take him down to our neighborhood pond and let him go there. The kids really didn't want him to go, but we explained he needed to be with his family of turtles that lived in the pond. It was really cute.
Labor day was spent with friends and fun. We met some friends at the park for lunch and Frisbee. The kids enjoyed playing and picking up sticks, as well as taking their try at Frisbee. We had a great time. After naps we wanted to get in one more swimming adventure before the pools closed down for the season. We headed to Pelican Bay, we had some friends meeting us there as well. When we got there, we saw more friends, so it turned out great. The kids got in one more swimming time, and we enjoyed our day off with friends. Couldn't have Labor day without a hamburger, so we headed to Johnnies afterward, then home to settle in for the night, and return to the routine of things the next day. To sum it up we had a great weekend and Labor Day. I really do enjoy these times. Hope your Labor Day and weekend were just as great!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Fire Station Tour!

Monday, our mom's group went to tour the downtown Oklahoma City fire station. The kids had so much fun. They were a little stand offish, but then Isabelle started asking all kinds of questions. She was very curious about a lot of things. It was interesting to watch her. The kids got to see the inside of a fire truck, checkout their hats, the water hose (they actually got to hold it). The fire-fighters took us upstairs to see where they eat at, sleep at, play games at. Very interesting stuff. They even went down the poles a couple of times for the kids. They are one of the last stations to have the poles still. Can't forget all their gear. One of the fire-fighters put on all the gear, from head to toe, exactly like they would use in a real fire emergency. The fire-fighters were great with the kids. We had a fun time, thank you.

We then ventured down to Mesta Park for some play time and a picnic. I had know idea how beautiful this area is. It is a historical area, so everything has to be kept up to a certain level of excellence. It was a great park to visit for sure. The kids had play time, then lunch, and some strawberry cupcakes that I made for the kids. We had such a great day!