Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Wow! Can you believe our little guy is already 9 months old. It seems like it just popped up on me. Ian had his 9 month doctor's appointment yesterday and he is growing just fine. He now seems to be on the small end like his sister, but still for him is growing good. He is starting to crawl now, he gives kisses, and says da, da a lot. His sister and him like to "grunt" as I call it back and forth. He will look at her and grunt, and wait for her to respond and then does it again when she does. It is so much fun to watch. I just never knew how amazing it would be to see them interact together. It takes being a mother to a whole new level. I think he is going to have quite the personality, we can already see it. Fun times a head. Three months and he will be one, wow and then the baby stage will be over, and the toddler stage for him will begin. I'm kind of torn, because I know that I am almost over with this whole wonderful baby stage, and yet excited for him to join his sister in the wonderful world of toddler hood. I know they will have so much fun together, and they will melt my heart along the way. This growing up thing is a lot harder on me than them. I have been getting information on Mother's Day out programs for Izze next fall, and I am fighting back the tears all along the way. Who knew you would have to come in contact with so many different emotions as your children are growing. I guess everyone else, but me. Sometimes I hug them and hold them so tight just wanting to absorb every ounce of the moment I can, not wanting to forget how it feels as the years go by. I love my babies!

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